序号 |
著作/论文名称 |
作者 |
发表刊物 |
1 |
Temperature and voltage dynamic control of PEMFC Stack using MPC method |
陈曦 |
Energy Reports |
2 |
Temperature and humidity management of PEM fuel cell power system using multi-input and multi-output fuzzy method |
陈曦 |
Applied Thermal Engineering |
3 |
Performance Enhancement of PEM Fuel Cells with an Additional Outlet in the Parallel Flow Field |
张焱 |
Processes |
4 |
Performance investigation of proton exchange membrane fuel cells with curved membrane electrode assemblies caused by pressure differences between cathode and anode |
万忠民 |
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy |
5 |
Effects of thermal-oxidative aging processes on tribological properties of polyformaldehyde and ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene: A comparative study |
陈松 |
Journal of Applied Polymer Science |
6 |
Numerical study of a MIMO-shaped cooling plate in PEMFC stack for heat transfer enhancement |
陈曦 |
Energy Reports |
7 |
Rational design of hierarchical Mn doped Na5V12O32nanorods with low crystallinity as advanced cathodes for aqueous zinc ion batteries |
孔祥忠 |
Energy Fuels |
8 |
Constructing hierarchical carbon network wrapped Fe3Se4nanoparticles for sodium ion storage and hydrogen evolution reaction |
孔祥忠 |
Electrochimica Acta |
9 |
Enveloping a Si/N-doped carbon composite in a CNT-reinforced fibrous network as flexible anodes for high performance lithium-ion batteries |
孔祥忠 |
Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers |
10 |
Research on combined heat and power system based on solar-proton exchange membrane fuel cell |
张敬 |
International Journal of Green Energy |
11 |
Thermodynamic and economic study of PEMFC stack considering degradation characteristic |
陈曦 |
Energy Conversion and Management |
12 |
Experimental performance investigation on the arrangement of metal foam as flow distributors in proton exchange membrane fuel cell |
万忠民 |
Energy Conversion and Management |
13 |
Motor Oil Degradation during Urban Cycle Road Tests |
魏雷 |
Friction |
14 |
Performance study on a stepped flow field design for bipolar plate in PEMFC |
陈曦 |
Energy Reports |
15 |
Performance investigation on a novel 3D wave flow channel design for PEMFC |
陈曦 |
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy |
16 |
Effect of Ti addition on properties of Zr54Al10.2Ni9.4Cu26.4 glass forming |
蔡安辉 |
Journal of Alloys and Compounds |
17 |
Experimental evaluation of the lubrication performance of MoS2/TiO2nanoparticles for diamond wheel bond in silicon carbide ceramic grinding |
张晓红 |
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology |
18 |
Optimization of high-temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cell flow channel based on genetic algorithm |
黄泰明 |
Energy Reports |
19 |
Optimizing the aerodynamic noise of an automobile claw pole alternator using a numerical method |
李鹏伟 |
Applied Acoustics |
20 |
Optimization on temperature strategy of BOF vanadium extraction to enhance vanadium yield with minimum carbon loss |
周振宇 |
Metals |
21 |
Influence of wave parallel flow field design on the performance of PEMFC |
陈曦 |
Journal of Energy Engineering |
22 |
Study on comprehensive degradation stability of special and nonspecific motor oils |
魏雷 |
Lubrication Science |
23 |
无托槽隐形正畸矫治器牙模轻量化 |
张焱 |
重庆大学学报 |
24 |
电磁搅拌电流不平衡控制方法研究 |
李徽 |
自动化与仪表 |
25 |
累积叠轧和深冷轧制复合工艺制备超细晶1060铝合金带材 |
杜青林 |
Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China |
26 |
车用爪极发电机的不同部件对气动噪声的影响 |
黄泰明 |
重庆大学学报 |
27 |
不同结构化金刚石砂轮磨削碳化硅陶瓷的试验研究 |
张晓红 |
工具技术 |
28 |
车用爪极发电机的气动噪声优化 |
黄泰明 |
吉林大学学报(工学版) |
29 |
Fe-C微合金化对Zr53Al11.6Ni11.7Cu23.7块体金属玻璃性能的影响 |
蔡安辉 |
Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China |
30 |
激光扫描角度对SLM成形316L不锈钢组织性能的影响 |
周宏志 |
应用激光 |
31 |
B和Ti细化变质Al-7Si合金磨削加工性能研究 |
蔡安辉 |
工具技术 |
32 |
金刚石线锯切割碳化硅陶瓷的机理与工艺研究 |
张晓红 |
金刚石与磨料磨具工程 |
33 |
SLA光固化3D打印成型技术研究 |
孔祥忠 |
中国设备工程 |
34 |
空冷型PEMFC电堆输出特性研究 |
张敬 |
威廉williamhill体育学报(自然科学版) |
35 |
脉冲激光加工氮化硅陶瓷表面形貌影响 |
李锶 |
威廉williamhill体育学报(自然科学版) |
36 |
基于模糊PID控制的家用燃料电池热电联供系统建模与仿真 |
张敬 |
储能科学与技术 |
37 |
动态工况下车用燃料电池系统热力学分析 |
陈曦 |
储能科学与技术 |
38 |
高分辨率的电机绝对式多极磁编码器设计与研究 |
李涛 |
仪表技术与传感器 |
39 |
八棱锥封闭式卷筒轴向斜楔断裂故障分析与改进 |
李徽 |
中国设备工程 |
40 |
微波热处理对无托槽隐形正畸矫治器的力学性能影响 |
张焱 |
塑料工业 |
41 |
面向复杂环境重型移动装备位置检测系统 |
李徽 |
自动化与仪表 |
42 |
面向工程应用的PLC课程教学改革探索 |
张敬 |
威廉williamhill体育学报(自然科学版) |
43 |
一种新型变频电源在电磁搅拌系统中的应用 |
李徽 |
威廉williamhill体育学报(自然科学版) |
44 |
铝合金无缝管挤压成形过程的数值模拟与分析 |
张焱 |
威廉williamhill体育学报(自然科学版) |
45 |
SLS成型技术工艺原理及应用 |
孔祥忠 |
中国新技术新产品 |
46 |
基于太阳能和朗肯循环的热电氢联供系统 |
陈曦 |
储能科学与技术 |