
黄泰明(Huang taiming),1982年生,湖北黄冈人,副教授,硕士生导师。2017年湖南大学获机械工程博士学位。“燃料电池技术”湖南省工程研究中心骨干成员,主要研究方向为汽车空气动力学、汽车系统动力学、新能源汽车、燃料电池技术等。主持科技部重点研发计划子课题(1项)、湖南自然科学基金面上项目(1项)、湖南省教育厅重点、优秀青年项目(2项)、教育部产学合作协同育人项目(2项)等省部级及横向课题10余项;以第一作者或通讯作者身份发表三高水平SCI论文30余篇;申请/授权国内发明专利10余项;担任ENG APPL COMP FLUID、P I MECH ENG D-J AUT、INT J HYDROGEN ENERG等十余本国际期刊杂志审稿人。
1、混合发电系统建模仿真及性能调控, 2022年12月-2026年11月,项目批准号:2022YFB40000171,科技部重点研发计划子课题,120万。主持
2、侧风-低附着路面工况下氢燃料电池客车的倾覆机理研究, 2021年10-2023年10月,项目批准号:21A0396,湖南省教育厅科学研究重点项目,4万。主持
1. Huang T M, Li W, Yue W, et al. Alternator noise reduction based on claw-pole optimization. Applied Acoustics, 2022, 198: 108999.
2. Huang T M, Yuan Y, Pan H, et al. Research on the effect of car’s roll motion on the aerodynamic characteristics of high-speed car. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2022, 236(8): 1700-1715.
3. Huang T M, Huang J, Feng M, et al. Optimization of the thickness of catalytic layer for HT-PEMFCs based on genetic algorithm. Energy Reports, 2022, 8: 12905-12915.
4. Huang T M, Wang W, Yuan Y, et al. Optimization of high-temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cell flow channel based on genetic algorithm. Energy Reports, 2021, 7:1374-1384.
5. Li W, Yue W, Huang T M, et al. Optimizing the aerodynamic noise of an automobile claw pole alternator using a numerical method. Applied Acoustics, 2021, 171:107629.
6. Huang T M, Zhuang X , Wan Z , et al. Experimental and numerical investigations of the vehicle aerodynamic drag with single-channel rear diffuser. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part D Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2020, 234(8):095440701989384.
7. Huang T M, Li S, Wan Z, Gu Z. Investigation of vehicle stability under crosswind conditions based on coupling methods. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part D Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2019, Vol. 233(13) 3305–3317
8. Huang T M, Gu Z Q, Feng C J. Transient aerodynamics simulation of a road vehicle in wind condition coupled with vehicle motion. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part D Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2018, 2(15):583-598
9. Huang T M, Gu Z Q, Feng C J. Coupled analysis of unsteady aerodynamics and vehicle motion of a passenger car in crosswind condition. Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics,2016, 9(6):2731-2741
10. Huang T M, Chen Z, Zong Y Q, Zeng W. Large Eddy Simulation of the Flow-Field around Road Vehicle Subjected to Pitching Motion. Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics,2016, 10(2): 2731-2741
11. 黄泰明,李伟平,胡涛涛,岳万昊,纪念洲,李域邦.车用爪极发电机的气动噪声优化.吉林大学学报(工学版),2022,52(10):2244-2255.
12. 黄泰明,李伟平,纪念洲,管成林,岳万昊.车用爪极发电机的不同部件对气动噪声的影响.重庆大学学报, 2023,3:1-14.
13. 黄泰明,谷正气,万忠民,丰成杰,汪怡平.基于动态双向耦合的高速汽车侧风稳定性控制研究.北京理工大学学报,2018,38(09):927-933
14. 黄泰明,谷正气,陈阵,文琪,罗泽轩. 车身俯仰运动对气动升力的影响研究. 中国公路学报,2017, 30(001):150-158
15. 黄泰明,谷正气,丰成杰,陈阵. 不同波长瞬态侧风对汽车气动性能影响分析[J]. 中国机械工程, 2016(27):111-3117