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来源:威廉williamhill体育      阅读量:     发布时间:2021-06-23 11:22






胡文静(Hu wenjing, Professor,男,1971年生,湖南岳阳人,中共党员,教授,博士,硕士生导师。2006年华东师范大学博士毕业,获无线电物理专业博士学位。200909-201607月任威廉williamhill体育南湖学院副经理,201607-201801月任计算机学院经理,201801-202105月任人事处处长,现任公司党委书记。主要研究方向为智能信息处理、图像处理与模式识别、数字系统可重构设计。湖南省青年骨干教师,湖南省青年教师教学能手,湖南省计算机学会常务理事,湖南省高教学会计算机教育专业委员会常务理事,湖南省普通高校优秀教务工作者。指导老员工研究性学习与创新性实验项目3项,指导员工参加全国老员工电子设计竞赛获国家二等奖1项,省一等奖3项、二、三等奖各1项。获全国创新创业大赛(湖南赛区)优秀团队奖1项。











Verilog HDL现代数字系统设计》





1. 无人机航拍视频中运动目标检测与跟踪关键技术研究(项目编号:51875200201912-202208月,湖南省教育厅重点项目。

2. 基于距离子带融合的雾霾图像清晰化算法研究(项目编号:51405158201903-202008月,湖南省教育厅青年项目。

3. 鱼眼图像中运动目标的跟踪与识别关键算法研究(项目编号:)201306-201512月,湖南省教育厅青年项目。

4. 高速网络流量异常检测的嵌入式可重构实现研究(编号:2010FJ3102),201012-201312月,湖南省科技计划项目。

5. 基于FPGA的网络流量测量关键技术研究(编号:08C392),200812-201006月,湖南省教育厅项目。

6. 实时数据库节省能耗关键技术(项目编号:11JJ5038),20119-20138月,湖南省自然科学基金项目。

7. 横向合作项目:高速信号处理系统 (项目编号:HLHX20171120),20171-201812月。

8. 横向合作项目:青岛石化柴油自控定值装车系统 (项目编号:1605),20161-201710月。


1. 适用于控制多种分辨率等离子显示器的方法,发明人:刘锦高,邱 松,胡文静,王淑仙,李外云,孙 , 专利号ZL.200410093143.8.

2. 远距离IC卡读写机具及其方法,发明人:张志献, 王伟泰, 刘锦高, 黎飞鸿,欧阳力,胡文静,专利号ZL.201511003466.8.


[1] Hu Wenjing, Li Waiyun, Chen Song. Design and implementation ofSCI interface circuit and VHDL[J]. Journal of East China Normal University, 2003.01.

[2] Chen Song, Hu Wenjing. Implementation ofUSB communication between MCU and PC based on Visual C++[J]. Journal of Yueyang Normal University, 2003.01

[3] Hu Wenjing, Chen Song. Driver Design based on EZ-USB chip CY7C6801[J]. Computer Application Research, 2005.09.

[4] Hu Wenjing, Li Waiyun, Liu Jingao. Implementation of I2C Bus Interface on FPGA[J]. Computer Engineering and Application, 2005.12.

[5] Hu Wenjing, Li Ming, Liu Jingao. Collection and extraction of Real-time network traffic and information based on LIBPCAP[J]. Computer Application Research, 2006.06.

[6] Hu Wenjing, Qiu Song, Liu Jingao. Implementation of SCI IP core based on FPGA[J]. Journal of Electron Devices, 2004.12. [Indexed by EI]

[7] Hu Wenjing, Qiu Song, Li Waiyun. Research on the Scanning Drive-Controlling Circuit of Color AC-PDP Based on FPGA[J]. Journal of Electron Devices, 2005.09. [Indexed by EI]

[8] Hu Wenjing, Li Ming, Qiu Runhe, Liu jingao. Research on Real-time Capturing and Measurement of Network Traffic Based on WinPcap[J]. Journal of Donghua University, 2006.04 [Indexed by EI]

[9] Hu Wenjing, Li Waiyun, Liu Jingao. I2C communication based on Spartan II XC2S100[J]. Journal of East China Normal University, 2006.04

[10] Hu Wenjing, Chen Song. Design of USB interface based on EZ-USB chip AN2131Q[J]. Journal of Hunan Institute of Science and Technology, 2004.12.

[11] Wenjing Hu, Renhe Qiu. A New Design Method for Variable Digital Filter Based on FPGA[J].Journal of DONGHUA University, 2012.02 [Indexed by EI]

[12] Hu Wenjing, Chen Song, Liu Xiang. Implementation of Embedded Programmable Digital Filter Based on FPGA[J]. Electronic Devices, 2009.12 [Indexed by EI]

[13] Wenjing Hu, Guoyun Zhang, Xiang Liu. FPGA implementation of auto span-switching high precision digital cymometer[J]. Application of Electronic Technique, 2012.01

[14] Wenjing Hu, Guoyun Zhang, Jianfeng Tang. Implementation of the Intelligent Speech Recognition Access Control System based on SPCIE061A[J]. Computing Technology and Automation, 2011.06

[15] Li Waiyun, Hu Wenjing. Driver design of touch screen controller ADS7843 based on PXA255[J]. Electronic Devices, 2005.04. [Indexed by EI]

[16] Qiu Song, Hu Wenjing, Liu Jingao. Design of PDP signal processing IP core and its implementation based on Verilog HDL[J]. Journal of Electron Devices, 2006.02 [Indexed by EI]

[17] Li Waiyun, Hu Wenjing, Hu Xinghang. Research and development of several WEB subsystems for secondary management of university laboratories based on campus network[J]. Computer Application Research, 2005.

[18] Li Waiyun, Hu Wenjing, Liu Jingao. Application Development of GPS and GSM for Embedded Linux Handheld Device Based on Sitsun[J]. Journal of East China Normal University, 2006.03

[19] Xu Jiemin, Hu Wenjing, Liu Jingao. Design of SD-card interface driver based on PXA270[J]. Journal of Hunan Institute of Science and Technology, 2009.03

[20] Qiu Song, Hu Wenjing, Liu Jingao, Li Waiyun. Design of PDP signal processing IP core and its implementation based on Verilog HDL[J]. Journal of Electron Devices, 2006.06 [Indexed by EI]

[21] Qiu Song, Qiu Runhe, Hu Wenjing. Investigation of Improved Signal Process and Control Circuit for Color-PDP[J]. Journal of DONGHUA University, 2007.01 [Indexed by EI]

[22] Xin Lu, Wenjing Hu & Ming Li. Capturing Packets of Network Traffic Using WinPcap[J]. International Journal of Electronics and Computers, 1 (2) December 2009, PP 169-175.

[23] Jianhui WUFeng HuangWenjing Hu. Study of multiple moving targets’ detection in fisheye video based on the moving blob model. Multimedia Tools & Applications, 2018:1-20.

[24] Jianhui WUFeng HuangWenjing Hu. Face detection method for public safety surveillance based on convex grouping. Computer Systems Science & Engineering,2018, 33(5), 1-7

[25] Longyuan Guo*Shinan LiWenjing Hu. Sub-Pixel Level Defect Detection Based on Notch Filter and Image Registration[J]. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence,2018,32(06):1-10

[26] Xianfeng OuPengcheng YanWei HeYong Kwan Kim, Guoyun Zhang*Xin Peng*Wenjing Hu. Adaptive GMM and BP neural network hybrid method for moving objects detection in complex scenes[J]. International Journal of Pattern Recognition & Artificial Intelligence, 2019,33(2).

[27] Xianfeng OuPengcheng Yan, Wenjing Hu. Research of image inpainting algorithm based on image segmentation[J], Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering 2018 (18): 637–644


[1] 计算机视觉与图像识别[M],科学出版社,2011