陈永志(Chen Yongzhi),1988年生,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,青年骨干教师,双师型教师。2014年入职中国兵器装备集团,从事能源装备产品开发设计工作,2020年毕业于中南大学粉末冶金研究院,获工学博士学位,2021年6月入职威廉williamhill体育。主要从事新材料、新技术的开发研究工作,具体涉及到包括:增材制造(3D打印)、MIM、SPS等先进成型方法的优化设计、高性能储能材料的开发等方面。目前,主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项,湖南省教育厅优秀青年项目1项;主持教研教改类项目3项,参与国家重点研发计划项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目、湖南省自然科学基金项目等6项。发表SCI论文10余篇,申请/获得专利20余件。
主持 国家自然科学基金青年项目“SPS强韧化制造复合材料齿轮及其失效机理研究”研究期限2023年1月-2025年12月 30万,在研
主持 湖南省教育厅优秀青年项目“退役石墨直接修复及其再生机理的研究”研究期限2022年9月-2025年9月 3万,在研
一种在线连续轧辊加热装置及其加工方法 ZL201310518804.6
2、一种具有短程有序结构的铁镍软磁合金及铁镍软磁合金零 ZL201611026385.4
3、便携式截齿卡簧无损安装机构 ZL201710141396.5
4、一种基于MIM成型的HK30材料的制备方法及HK30叶片 ZL201811020109.6
5、一种汽油机用涡轮增压器喷嘴环叶片制备工艺 ZL201810157547.0
6、一种陶瓷/金属共烧结制备球齿的方法 ZL201810543436.3
7、一种含铜kovar合金及其制备方法 ZL201910207870.9
8、一种可伐合金封装盒体的制备方法 ZL201910207873.2
9、一种高氮不锈钢粉末及其制备方法、不锈钢 ZL201910185714.7
10、一种耐高温冲刷的B4C陶瓷喷嘴及其制备方法 ZL201911257508.9
11、一种含铌420不锈钢材料及其制备方法和应用 ZL201911021209.5
1、Yongzhi Chen, Zuohong Li, Lihua Wang*, Chao Yang*, Lingfeng Zhou, Xu Wen, and Haobo Deng. Low-Cost Pitch Derived Lamellar N-Doped Carbon as a High-Performance Potassium-Ion Battery Anode[J]. ACS Applied Electronic Materials. 5(8):4534-4541,2023
2、Yongzhi Chen, Xu Wen, Xiaohong Zhang*, Chao Yang*, Lihua Wang*, Lingfeng Zhou, Zuohong Li, Haobo Deng, Jian Li. Effect of carbon modification on the structure and electrochemical properties of recycled graphite anode materials. [J]. Journal of Materials Science Materials in Electronics. 34(20): 1518,2023
3、Yongzhi Chen,Hao He,Yimin Li,Lihua Wang,Jia Lou. Densification criteria for co-sintering of heterogeneous materials and its experimental validation[J]. Materials today communications,22:100943,2020
4、Yongzhi Chen,Lihua Wang,Yimin Li,Hao He,Jian Li,Rutie Liu.The synthesis of FePO4 and LiH2PO4 from recycled LiFePO4C mixed materials via heat treatment and liquid-phase precipitation [J]. Journal of Materials Science Materials in Electronics.31(1): 4083-4091,2020
5、Yongzhi Chen,Lihua Wang,Jian Li. Effect of Cu impurity on the electrochemical performance of regenerated LiFePO4/C electrode materials [J]. Journal of Materials Science Materials in Electronics. 31(1): 10460-10469,2020
6、Yongzhi Chen, Hao He, Yimin Li, Rutie Liu, et, al.. Effects of carbonyl nickel powder addition on the mechanical properties, microstructure, and yttrium segregation of sintered 3YSZ composites [J]. Ceramics International.45:14256-14262,2019
7、Lihua Wang, Yongzhi Chen(通讯作者), Xu Wen , Jian Li , Pengyu Meng, Shengdong Tao, Preparation of Li1.2Ni0.2Mn0.6O2 hollow stratified sphere by self-template method and surface vulcanization [J].Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments.52:102006,2022
8、Hao Zhang,Lihua Wang, Yongzhi Chen(通讯作者), Xu Wen,Regenerated LiFePO4/C for scrapped lithium iron phosphate powder batteries by pre oxidation and reduction method[J]Ionics. 28:2125-2133,2022
9、Shengdong Tao, Jian Li, Lihua Wang, Weiguo Huang, Minchao Zhang, Zhexi Chi, Shuohan Wang, Yongzhi Chen(通讯作者), and Lei Shang .Coral-like Li7La3Zr2O12-Filled PVDF-HFP/LiODFB Composite Electrolytes for Solid-State Batteries with Excellent Cycle Performance[J] ACS ACS Applied Energy Materials. 10:11447-11459,2021
10、Hejun Zhan, Yongzhi Chen, Long Huang, Lihua Wang, Xulin Jiang. Synthesis and characterization of reversiblethermosensitive methylated chitin and its applicationin zinc-ion battery thermal runaway[J]. Journal of Polymer Science. 62:353-363.2024